Research Achievements
of SHINAGAWA Tetsuhiko
Almost the entire works are written in Japanese. However a few of them can be read in English.
"Technology, responsibility, and human beings: Jonas and Heidegger on technology" |
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"Why and How has Jonas been 'Welcomed' in Japan?: A Reply from Japan to LaFleur's Interpretation" |
"Nature, Environment, and Human Being: Hans Jonas'Principle of Responsibility" | Click |
"A dialogue with professor Augustin Berque: from the standpoint of ethics " | Click |
The abstract of the following book can be read in English.
What Borders Justice: the Principle of Responsibility and the Ethic of Care | Click |
The abstract of the following papers can be read in English.
"An Analysis of the Structure of Caring Relation" |
"The Poltics of Being and the Politics of Absolute Nothingness" | |
”An Ethical Consideration Concerning 'Work, Occupation and Labor'" | Click |
"Ethic of Care, Needs and Law" | |
"Ethic, Ethics and the Ethical" |
The following comments can be read in English or Germany.
"Questions to Professor William R. LaFleur's "Peripheralized in America: Hans Jonas as Philosopher and Bioethicist" |
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About the contents see also Kansai University System for Academic Information Database
1. Books (singlehanded)
Introduction to Ethics: From Aristotele to reproductive technology and AI, SHINAGAWA Tetsuhiko, 2020, Chuo Koron Shinsha, Tokyo
Contents (The original text written in Japanese)
Preface i
Chapter 1 What is ethic? What science is ethics? 1
1 Ethic and ethics 1
Distinction between ethic and moral / Two meanings of ‘with’ other people: community and society / Ethic and moral overlap / Ethical judgments demand universalizability / Why is ethics, a science thinking about ethic, needed? / Three departments of ethics: normative ethics, descriptive ethics, and metaethics / Difference between good and right or just. Duty paired with right and duty devoid of right as its pair / Grouping of ethical norms
2 Law, politics, economy, religion and ethic 10
Law of nature ? Why is this term translated into Japanese two expressions? / Law does not necessarily correspond to moral: legal positivism. / Law and ethic / Politics is power: power politics. / Is politics power? : politics as space of discourse / Politics and ethic / commodity, goods, and homo economicus / Lives of persons are led behind dealing in market. / Economy and ethic / Is it right because God orders it? Does God order it because it is right? : Plato / Religion and ethic
Chapter 2 Main ethical theories 45
1 Making ethic: social contract theory 45
War of all against all: Hobbes / Property is generated from labor: Locke. / Origin of inequality and general will: Rousseau / Inequality should be availed to benefit the worst-off members: Rawls. / Freedom is realized by contract in market: libertarianism. / Social contract theory as an ethical theory
2 Human dignity: deontology 66
Freedom cannot be proved by theoretical reason, therefore, by science. / Freedom of will from governance by inclination, namely autonomy: Kant / Human dignity and the fact of reason / Moral is founded on communication: discourse ethics. / Deontology as an ethical theory
3 Increase of happiness in whole society: utilitarianism 81
The greatest happiness for the greatest number: Bentham / The harm to others principle: J. S. Mill / Act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism / Utilitarianism as an ethical theory
4 Sympathy to others: sympathy theory 95
Ethic is founded on feeling: Hume. / Everyone has ability of sympathy. / Ethic is anchored in nature: difference between human beings and chimpanzees. / Sympathy theory as an ethical theory
5 Self-discipline toward being a good person: virtue ethics 105
Difference between universal principle and virtue / Mastering virtues resembles mastering techniques: Aristotle. / Community and virtue ethics / Reversal between ethical theories in modern times and virtue ethics / Virtue ethics as an ethical theory
6 Excursus: ethical theories founded on responsibility and care 117
Present generation is responsible for future generations: the principle of responsibility. / Vulnerability of human beings: ethic of care / Ethic of care as an ethical theory
Chapter 3 Person and person 125
1 Market 125
The story of becoming a full-fledged worker and its collapse / Globalization and ethic: freedom and self-responsibility / It might, however, possibly come about another change of ethical attitude correspondent to globalization. / Society does not only consist of market.
2 State 135
State as a system for redistribution / luck egalitarianism and basic income / Helpers of the persons who need help also need help: Nussbaum and Kittay. / Why and what extent should the members of a state help each other? / How should we treat immigrants?
3 War 149
There are also ethical norms about war: jus ad bellum and jus in bello. / How do people sustain their own nation: Luxemburg as an example. / Nation’s responsibility for war damage of its members / The past that has yet not been overcome repeats itself. / Forced labor of the people of other nations and prisoners of war: Germany as an example / Responsibility for forced labor of the people of other nations / Responsibility for taking over one’s own nation
Chapter4 Person and her or his body 167
1 My body is myself. 167
Hippocratic oath; the beginning of Western medical ethics / Birth of experimental medical science: may man do experiments on human beings? / Coercive experiments on human beings by Nazis and Nuremburg Code / Establishment of the idea of informed consent: WMA Declaration of Helsinki / Ethical foundation of informed consent 2 Is my body mine? 179 Ambiguity of euthanasia / Is the concept of right to death valid? / Is my body mine? / Person supervenes her or his body. 3 Technological manipulation to embryos 188 Hard control over technology: evolvement of reproductive technology / Selection of children by genetic condition / May we make a person with cloning? : utilitarian objection and discourse ethical objection. / Why on earth do I need others? : Descartes and Husserl. / Children as others: Levinas and Arendt 4 For those who will be born 203 Why is future ethics needed? / Future ethics founded on justice and right: Apel and Rawls / Future ethics founded on responsibility: JonasChapter 5 Human beings and non-human beings 209
1 Nature spreading outside of human beings 209
Distinction between environment and nature / We should not cause pain to sentient beings: utilitarian animal ethics. / Eco systems should be maintained as a whole: Leopold’s land ethic. / Do natural entities have standing? : a problem raised by Stone. / Status of human beings in nature: environmental ethical theories on background of theology and metaphysics / Virtue ethical environmental ethics
2 Products made by human beings 222
Mechanization and unemployment: Does market exist for human beings, or do human beings exist for market? / May man use the robots equipped with AI as soldiers, and, if not, why? / Makers’ responsibility for their products / May man entrust the robots equipped with AI with raising children and caring for the elderly, and, if not, why? / Development of AI and state as a system for redistribution
3 A dialogue with guests from outer space 234
Philosophical meaning of imagining ‘beings from outer space’ / A dialogue with guests from outer spac
Chapter 6 Where does ethical viewpoint come from? 253
Instance: the place where ethical right and wrong are judged / Enlargement of ethical concern and establishment of a new instance / Do robots equipped with AI and beings from outer space shape a new instance? / Where does ethical viewpoint come from?
Afterword 265
References 276
A Talk about Ethics, SHINAGAWA Tetsuhiko, 2015, Nakanishiya-Shuppan, kyoto
Contents: (The original text is written in Japanese.)
Part I What a Science is Ethics?
Ch. 1. What a science is ethics?
1. The difference between ethic and ethics / 2. Normative ethics / 3. Descriptive ethics or history of ethics / 4. Metaethics
Ch. 2. Those who like ethic and those who dislike it, those who like ethics and those who dislike it.
1. Ethics in the 20th century: attention to metaethics / 2. Recommending moral conduct is just a shout: provocation of emotivism / 3. Regressus of emotivism and appearance of applied ethics / 4. Those who like ethic and those who dislike it, those who like ethics and those who dislike it
Part II Foundation of ethic (moral)
Ch. 3. An approach to found ethic (moral) on self-interest (1): Plato
1. nomos and physis / 2. The theory of three parts of soul: a psychological argument / 3. Metaphor of sun: a metaphysical argument
Ch. 4. An approach to found ethic (moral) on self-interest (2): Hobbes
1. The war of all against all / 2. Would a rational egoist secretly breach contract? / 3. Good is nothing other than what the person desire.
Ch. 5. Views of nature and ethical attitudes, or metaphysics and ethics
1. The teleological view of nature / 2. Is there only one law of nature corresponding to human nature?: Thomas Aquinas / 3. The mechanical view of nature / 4. Views of nature and views of human being / 5. Times pile up.
Ch. 6. An approach to found ethic (moral) on sympathy : Hume
1. Whether is ethic (moral) founded on reson or sentiment? / 2. Virtues have utility or / and are directly pleasant. / 3. Sympathy / 4. Ethics constructed by experience and observation
Ch. 7. An approach to found ethic (moral) on duty: Kant
1. Action done from duty and action in acoorddance with duty / 2. Maxim and universal moral law / 3. autonomy / 4. Can duties be virtually deduced from formalism alone? / 5. Person and thing / 6. Human dignity
Ch. 8. What is included in any individual human being, but transcends it
1. God's law and human beings under it: Paul's Letter to Romans / 2. Kant's concept of autonomy: moral's independence from religion / 3. Kant's postulates of the immortality of the soul and of the existence of God
Ch. 9. An approach to found ethic (moral) on happiness (1): Bentham
1. Priniciple of uility or greatest happiness principle / 2. Calculation of pleasure / 3. Features of Bentham's utilitarianism
Ch. 10. An approach to found ethic (moral) on happiness (2): J. S. Mill
1. Respect for liberty and critique of paternalism / 2. Harm to others principle / 3. Critique of conformist and uniform mass society / 4. Is Mill a genuine utilitarian?
Ch. 11. An approach to found ethic (moral) on happiness (3): Hare
1. Critiques of utilitarianism / 2. Survival lottery on Harris / 3. Hare's two levels of moral thinking
Part III On Justice
Ch. 12. Justice and goodness
1. Aristotle's concept of justice / 2. Justice and goodness / 3. Locke's laber theory of property
Ch. 13. Rawls' theory of justice
1. Original position / 2. Two principles of justice / 3. Equal citizenship
Ch. 14. Libertarian theory of justice
1. Entitlement theory / 2. Three principles of justice / 3. Justice and goodness revised
Ch. 15. Communitarian critique of liberalism
1. There are some sphere where justice does not primacy. / 2. Unemcumberd selves / 3. Life as a narrative / 4. Excursus: a strange amalgam in politics from communitarianism and libertarianism
Ch. 16. Tracing the genealogy of communitarianism (1): Aristotle
1. Happiness: human being is political animal. / 2. Habit and virtue / 3. Practical knowledge and equity / 4. Virtue ethics and contemporary society
Ch. 17. Tracing the genealogy of communitarianism (2): Hegel
1. Dialectics / 2. Family, civil society, and state / 3. War and world history as a court of judgement
Ch. 18. Mediation offered by discourse ethics
1. Social validity and moral validity / 2. Transcendental pragmatical foundatation / 3. Mediation offered by disourse ethics
Ch. 19. Other foundation than justice (1): Ethic of justice and ethic of care
1. Kohlberg's development theory of morality / 2. Gilligan's development theory of morality: ethic of care / 3. The objection lodged by ethic of care
Ch. 20. Other foundation than justice (2): Principle of responsibility
1. intergenerational justice / 2. Jonas' principle of responsibiltiy / 3. Leopold's land ethic
Ch. 21. Destruction of the concept of justice: Levinas and Derrida
1. The same and the Other: Levinas / 2. Hospitability: Levinas / 3. Law and justice: Derrida
Ch. 22. Ethics and theory of truth
1. Descartes' conversion of the concept of truth / 2. Hussel's intersubjectivity / 3. Positivism's concept of truth / 4. Linguistic turn / 5. Ethics and theory of truth
Afterword / Index of names / Index of items
ISBN 978-4-7795-0971-1
What Borders Justice: the Principle of Responsibility and the Ethic of Care, SHINAGAWA Tetsuhiko, 2007, Nakanishiya-Shuppan, Kyoto
Contents: (The original text is written in Japanese.) Preface
Ch.1. Formulation of the topics
1.On justice 1.1 Aristotle's concept of justice 1.2 the contemporary concept of justice / 2. Moral and its outside / 3. The principle of responsibility / 4. The ethic of care / 5. The structure of this book
Part I the Principle of Responsibility
Ch.2. the Problems Raised by Jonas' Principle of Responsibility : nature, environment and human being
1.Nature as environment / 2. Hans Jonas' Principle of Responsibility / 3. Critiques on Jonas by discourse ethics / 4. Conclusion
Ch.3. Environment, Property, and Ethics
1. Enjoyment of life / 2. Bordering between inside and outside / 3. Stimulus of environment ethics / 4. Locke on property: its structure / 5. Locke on property: its theological assumption / 6. Locke on property: labor gives value / 7 Locke on property: Lockean qualifications / 8. Impossibility of natural contract / 9. Specific feature of the principle of responsibility
Ch.4. Sanctity of Life: its lost effect and its recovery
1. Sanctity of life and human dignity / 2. Sanctity of Life: its lost effect 2.1 SOL leads to a logical fallacy 2.2 Doubtful origin of its ground 2.3 The ideas such as SOL or human dignity cannot solve "problems or conflicts" / 3. Change of context and background / 4. Sanctity of Life: its recovery 4.1 Dworkin on sanctity of life 4.2 Habermas on human dignity / 5. Excurs: WATSUJI tetsuro's interpretation of Kant's categorical imperative in his 'humanity and personhood' / 6. Conclusion
Ch.5. In What Sense Should Human Beings Continue to Be?: Jonas, Apel and Habermas
1. Is it specific to be human beings? / 2. Jonas' future ethic: its various foundations / 3. Apel's critique about Jonas' future ethic / 4. What becomes clear from their opposition / 5. Meaning of speaking about metaphysics and mythos
Ch.6. An Interpretation of the Principle of Responsibility : what borders justice
1. Jonas' philosophical career / 2. A possible interpretation: support for his ontology / 3. A possible interpretation: discard of his ontology / 4. A possible interpretation: substitution of foundation by discourse ethics / 5. A possible interpretation: what borders justice
Part II. Ethic of Care
Ch.7. The Problems Raised by Ethic of Care
1. Preliminaries 1.1 Ethic of care: the issues found by Gilligan 1.2 Ethic of care: its effect on ethics 1.3 Putting the levels of problems in order 1.4 Ethic about care 1.5 Philosophical or human ontological analysis of care: Frankfurt / 2. Debate of Care vs. Justice 2.1 Integration of care into ethic of justice 2.2 metaphor of marriage 2.3 metaphor of reversal figure 2.4 ethic of care and virtue ethics
Ch.8. Noddings on Ethical Self
1. Which is ethic of care oriented, to others or to self? / 2. Formulation of Noddings' idea of ethical self / 3. Noddings' ethic of caring: its structure 3.1. Features of care 3.2 Refusal against ethics based on principles 3.3 Natural caring 3.4 Ethical caring 3.5 Ethical self 3.6 Reciprocity: relation between one-caring and one-cared-for 3.7 Transcendence?: caring I and I caring about caring I 3.8 Cultivation of ideal: others' ethical selves / 4. Can man reply to questions as to justice without justice? 4.1 Scope of cared-one 4.2 Dilemmas of care 4.3 Limits of care / 5. Noddings' ethic of caring: its problematics / 6. Noddings' ethic of caring: its merits
Ch.9. Ethic of Care, Needs, and Law
1. Care/justice, female/male, and private/public / 2. the second generation of care ethic / 3. Noddings on social policy / 4. Views about needs: Ignatieff, Taylor, and Noddings / 5. Ethic of care and law 5.1 Is law based on retributive justice? 5.2 Integration of restorative justice into law 5.3 The Law based on ethic of care
Ch.10 The Debate of Care vs. Justice: from integration to enmeshment
1. Revisited on metaphor of reversal figure / 2. From integration to enmeshment 2.1 Okin: Integration of care into justice 2.2 Clement: reciprocal foundation 2.3 Held: enmeshment between care and justice / 3. Home and justice / 4. Concrete others and general others / 5. An accomplishment of the debate of care vs. justice
Ch. 11. Others in Caring Relation
1. Benner's theory of care / 2. A genealogy of phenomenology about others 2.1 Husserl: as when I were there 2.2 Heidegger: Co-Being-there and the death proper to each 2.3 Merlau-Ponty: intercorporeality 2.4 Sartre: others as "regard" 2.5 Levinas: the absolute other 2.6 Derrida: justice and law / 3. Cornell's evaluation and critique about ethic of care / 4. Others in caring relation
Ch. 12. Conclusion
1. Features shared by the principle of responsibility and the ethics of care / 2. Can the problems raised here be withdrawn into the framework of distributional justice? / 3. "Others to justice" and "What borders justice"
Notes / Postscript / Reference / Index of items / Index of names
2.1 Books (coedited)
Technology and Environment, ICHIKAWA Hiroshi, KOJIMA Hajime, SATO Takaharu and SHINAGAWA Tetsuhiko(eds.), 1999, Baifukan, Tokyo
Self and Others: Encounters with Various Selves, IKEGAMI Tetsuji, NAGAI Hitoshi, SAITO Yoshimichi, and SHINAGAWA Tetsuhiko (eds.), 1994, Showado, Kyoto
2.2 Articles in Books
"Human Dignity is guarded as if it were wrapped in", in The Concept of Dignity as a Question, Yasushi Kato (ed.), 2024, Hosei University Press, pp. 111-133
"Life and Dignity: Against Alienation of Life in Discussion of Life", in Dignity and Life, Yasushi Kato, and GOTO, Reiko (eds.), 2022, Hosei University Press, pp. 223-245
"Columns for further reading: Restoration of Privacy: Conflict between Liberty and Dignity, written by MIYASHITA, Hiroshi", in The Concept of Dignity in East Asia, Yasushi Kato, OGURA, Kizo, and KOJIMA, Tsuyoshi(eds.), 2021, Hosei University Press, pp. 159-167
"Columns for further reading: Human Life and Human Dignity, edited by TAKAHASHI, Takao, and The Present Euthansia and Death with Dignity: Termninal Medicine and Self-decision, wtitten by MATSUDA, Jun ", in Dignity and Society, vol. 1, Yasushi Kato (ed.), 2020, Hosei University Press, pp. 252-256, 379-386
"What Human Dignity and Dignity of Creature Mean", in Dynamism of the Concept of Dignity: Philosophical and Applied Ethical Papers, Yasushi Kato (ed.), 2017, Hosei University Press, pp. 137-156
”The Status of the Human Being: Manipulating Subject, Manipulated Object, and Human Dignity", in Ethics for the Future of Life: Proceedings of the 2012 Uehiro -Carnegie-Oxford Ethics Conference, Tetsuji Uehiro (ed.), 2013, Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics: Oxford University, pp.144-154.
"Der nicht omnipotent Gott und die menschliche Verantwortung", in Dialog-Reflexion-Verantwortung. Zur Diskussion der Diskurspragmatik, Jens Ole Beckers, Florian Preußger, und Thomas Rusche, (Hrsg.), 2013, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, S.427-S.442
"Responsibility", in The Basic Concepts of Bioethics, Editorial Committee of Series Bioethics (ed.), 2012, Maruzen, Tokyo, pp.176-190
"Philosophy of care and geriatric nursing", in Applied Philosophy, TODAYAMA Kazuhisa and DEGUCHI Yasuo (eds.), 2011, Sekai Sisousha, Kyoto, pp.209-219
"I / We as transient being in this world", in Lectures on Philosophy, vol.8, Philosophy of Life / Environment, 2009, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, pp.87-105
"Life-world, home-world and alien world", in What should Philosophy Inquire?, TAKEICHI Akihiro and OBAMA Yoshinobu (eds.), 2005, Koyo Shobo, Kyoto, pp.187-206
"Sanctity of life: its lost effect and its rediscovery", in Lectures on Applied Ethics, vol.1 Life, NAKAOKA Narifumi (ed.), 2004, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, pp.128-146
"Organization and responsibility", in An Introduction to Social Philosophy, KAMO Naoki (ed.), 2001, Sekaishisousha, Kyoto, pp.87-97, pp.87-97
"Life and ethics : bioethics and the life of ethics", in What is Ethica? : An Introduction to Modern Ethics, ARIFUKU Kogaku (ed.), 1999, Nakanishiya, Kyoto, pp.264-281
"Should life be respected in any case?", in Moral Aporia, SATO Yasukuni and MIZOGUCHI Kohei (eds.), 1998, Nakanishiya, Kyoto, pp.180-188
"What should philosophers and moral philosophers do in bioethics?", in An Introduction to Bioethics, KATO Hisatake and KAMO Naoki (eds.), 1998, Sekaishisosha, Kyoto, pp.324-334
"The context of the mundane", in Text and Interpretation : New Lectures on Philosophy, MISHIMA Kenichi and MARUYAMA Takashi (eds.), 1994, Iwanami, Tokyo, pp.319-343
"Life and ethics", in An Introduction to Ethics, UTSUNOMIYA Yoshiaki and KUMANO Sumihiko (eds.), 1994, Sekaishisosha, Kyoto, pp.176-199
"The advance of medical practice and philosophy", in Philosophy and Medical Practice, NAKAGAWA Yonezo (ed.), 1992, Kobundo, Tokyo, pp.192-215
"Norms functioning in the hidden manner", in The Foundation of Norms, the Japanese Society for Ethics (ed.), Keio Tsushin, 1990, Tokyo, pp.103-117
"New reproductive technologies and society", in The Present of Bioethics, TSUKASAKI Satoshi and KAMO Naoki (eds.), 1989, Sekaishisosha, Kyoto, pp.188-205
"Words in dialogue", in The Present of Phenomenology, NITTA Takahiro, TSUNETOSHI Shuzaburo, and MIZUNO Kazuhisa (eds.), 1987, Sekaishisosha, Kyoto, pp.170-185
3. Paper and Theses
”The theory of symapathy/ empathy and ethic of care: Slote on 'ethics of empathetic caring'," in the Essays and Studies, vol. 73, no. 4, Kansai University, 2024, pp. 1-24.
”Envrionmental justice and ethical thinking: A reply to 'sustainability and human sciences'," in the Essays and Studies, vol. 73, no. 1−2, Kansai University, 2023, pp. 77-100.
”Jonas on Spinoza," in Tetsugaku Ronsou, vol. 50, Kyoto University, 2022, pp. 1-12.
”A Richer Concept of Justice and an Effective Concept of Care," in Essays and Studies, vol. 70, no. 4, Kansai University, 2021, pp. 1-26.
”Animism, God and Enviromental Crisis on OZAKI, Kazuo,” in the Commemorative Collection of Papers for the Retirement of Professor Inoue Katsuhito, the commitee for publishing the commemorative collection of papers for the retirement of professor Inoue Katsuhito, 2020, pp. 157-180
”Johnson and Walsh on Good and Right: A Remark on Virtue Ethics (1)", in the Essays and Studies, vol. 68, no. 4, Kansai University, 2019, pp. 17-38.
"Does Religion remain a Problem to Philosophy? If so, in What a Way?", in the Commemorative Collection of Papers for the Retirement of Professor Oda Yoshiko, the committee for publishing the commemorative collection of papers for the retirement of professor Oda Yoshiko, 2018, pp. 65-89.
"Comment on 'What Can Phenomenology Contribute to Applied Ethics?", in Journal of Ethical Studies, vol. 4, no. 2, Kansai University Society for Ethics, 2017, pp. 34-43, "What Can Phenomenology Do and not Do in Ethics?", in ibid., pp. 74-89.
"Being and Appearance: on Yoichi Uozumi's Works", in Journal of Ethical Studies, vol. 4, no. 1, Kansai University Society for Ethics, 2017, pp. 7-24
"The Concept of Resoponsibility in the Physician-Patient Relationship", in Materials for Study of Bioethics and Law of Life, vol. III, Shibaura Institute of Technology, 2017, pp. 32-46
"Overlapping Concensus or Practical Reason?", in Essays and Studies, vol. 66, no. 4, Kansai University, 2017, pp. 51-73
"An Analysis of the Structure of Caring Relation", in Studies in Moralogy, no. 78, The institute of moralogy The research center for moral science, 2016 pp. 1 -19
"The Poltics of Being and the Politics of Absolute Nothingness", in Philosophy, vol. 67, The philosophical association of Japan, 2016, pp. 9-24
”Immanence and Transcendence: the Development of Hans Jonas' Philosophy", in Jounal of Kyoto Association of Jewish Thought, vol. 6, Kyoto Association of Jewish Thought, 2015, pp. 62-87
”Can the Concept of Human Responsibility for God Be Established?", in Journal for Ethical Studies, vol.1, no.2, Kansai University Society for Ethics, 2004, pp.2-12
"Ambiguity of the concept of 'death with dignity'", in Risou, vol. 692, Rishousha, 2014, pp.111-122
"Rethinking nomos and physis: A critique of social contract theory by ethic of care", in The Theory of Law, vol. 32, Seibundo, 2013, pp.3-26
"Technology, responsibility, and human beings: Jonas and Heidegger on technology", in Heidegger-Forum, vol. 7, Heidegger Forum in Japan, 2013, pp.110-122
"Respect for humanity in other persons: A reply to questions from Prof. Kazuyoshi Abiko", in Dialogica, vol. 15, Department of Ethics and Philosophy, Shiga Univerisity, 2013, pp.1-17
"Why and how has Jonas been 'welcomed' in Japan?: A reply from Japan to LaFleur's interpretation", (in English) in Journal of Philosophy of Life, vol. 2, no.1(April 2012), Institute for Contemporary Philosophy of Life, Osaka Prefecture University, pp.15-31
"Notes on the concept of justice", in Essays and Studies, vol. 61, no.4, Faculty of Letters, Kansai University, 2012, pp.23-48
"Habermas on the ethic of mankind", in Materials for bioethical studies, vol. V, Toyama University, 2011, pp.151-167
"Why and How has Hans Jonas been 'welcomed' in Japan?: LaFleur's Interpretation and a Reply from Japan.", (in Japanese) in the Annual Report on Philosophy of Religion, vol.10, Kyoto University, Kyoto, pp.49-64
"Notes for a richer concept of human dignity: the concept of 'Persönlichkeit'", in Materials for bioethical studies, vol. IV, Toyama University, 2010, pp.1-12
”An ethical consideration concerning 'Work, occupation and Labor'", in Annals of Ethics, no.58, Japanese Society of Ethics, 2009, pp.11-20
”Hans Jonas' concept of 'God after Auschwitz'(2): non-omnipotent God and human responsibility", in Essays and Studies, vol.58, no.4, Faculty of Letters, Kansai University, Osaka, 2009, pp.1-24
”Hans Jonas' concept of 'God after Auschwitz'(1): being Jewish and philosopher at once", in Essays and Studies, vol.58, no.2, Faculty of Letters, Kansai University, Osaka, 2008, pp.1-23
"Ethic of care, needs, and law", in the Sociology of Law, no.64, the Japanese Association for Sociology of Law, 2006, pp.102-115
"Ethic, ethics, and what is ethical", in the Reports of the 56th Congress of the Japanese Society for Ethics, 2005, pp.7-11
"In what sense should mankind continue to be?: Jonas, Apel and Habermas", in Arche, vol. 13, Kansai Philosophical Association, Kyoto, 2005, pp.1-14
"A dialogue with Professor Berque: from the standpoint of ethics (including environmental ethics)", in Report of the international Symposium 'modernity in milieux and technique'", Kansai University, Osaka, 2005, pp.285-297
"On ethic of care (2): Noddings on ethical self", in Essays and Studies, vol. 53, no.4, Faculty of Letters, Kansai University, Osaka, 2004, pp,39-62
"What borders on justice", in Reconstruction of Normative Sciences Coping with Contemporary Ethical Problems, Kansai University, Osaka, 2004, pp.116-129
"Why does applied ethics?", in Forum for Young Philosophers, vol.30, Philosophical Inquiry, Tokyo, 2003, pp.3-15
"The significance of applied ethics and the trend of computer ethics or information ethics", in Philosophy, vol.22, the Philosophical Association of Kansai University, Osaka, 2003, pp.103-125
"On ethic of care (1)", in Essays and Studies, vol.51, no3, Faculty of Letters, Kansai University, Osaka, 2002, pp.1-28
"Environment, property and ethics", in Shiso, vol.923, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 2001, pp.69-88
"On liberalism in bioethics", in Reports of Researchs aided by Uehiro Foundation for Ethics and Education, vol.11, Tokyo, 2000, pp.17-34
"Why and how does ethics deal with environmental affairs?", in the 21st Century Forum, Institute for Policy Sciences, vol. 74, Tokyo, 2000, pp.32-37
"The accountability of ethics: bioethics as a clue", in the Reports of the Congress in 1999 of the Japanese Society for Ethics, 1999, pp.76-81
"Nature, environment, and human being: Hans Jonas' Principle of Responsibility", in Arche, vol. 7, the Kansai Philosophical Association, 1999, pp.145-154
"We have not discussed it after all : at the time of the passage of a bill for organ transplantation", in Studies in Culture and the Humanities, vol. 6, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, 1997, pp.77-104
"Dewy purified home", in Human Ontology, vol.3, Kyoto University, Kyoto, 1997, pp.43-54
"The recognition by analogy and the concept of person", in Iconicity in Expression and the Act of Meaning, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, 1996, pp,61-74
"The foundation of environmental ethics", in Applied Ethics: Towards the Synthesis between Micro- and Macro Points of View, Toyo University, Tokyo, 1996, pp,46-57
"Notes on bioethics", in Comparative Cultural Studies, vol.17, Hiroshima University Society for Comparative Studies of Cultures, Hiroshima, 1994, pp.1-15
"As a problem of 'human being' rather than one of death : on the controversy, whether does brain death mean the death of the human being?", in the Bulletin of Wakayama Medical College, vol.21, Wakayama, 1992, pp.33-49
"The presence of bodies of others and the attitudes towards others in Schutz's idea of social world", in the Bulletin of Wakayama Medical College, vol.20, Wakayama, 1991, pp,.1-15
"Waldenfels on the home in the alienness", in the Bulletin of Wakayama Medical College, vol.19, Wakayama, 1990, pp.1-7
"Ideality of meaning : its certitude and fluctuation", in Riso, vol.636, Risosha, Tokyo, 1987, pp. 78-88
"The personal ego in Husserl's egology", in Philosophy, vol.37, the Philosophical Association of Japan, 1987, pp.199-209
"Hussel on Habit", in the Annual of the Kansai Philosophical Association, vol.21, the Kansai Philosophical Association, 1987, pp.23-29
"Husserl on Individual", in Tetsugaku Ronso, vol.17, Kyoto University Tetsugaku Ronso Kankokai, Kyoto, 1986, pp.21-31
4. Translation
Kants Kritik der praktischen Vernunft Die Philosophie der Freiheit, Otfried Hoffe, trans. by SHINAGAWA, Tetsuhiko, TAKEYAMA, Shigemitsu, HIRADE, Kiyoe, in Hosei Daigaku Shuppankyoku (Hosei University Press), Tokyo, 2020
God after Auschwitz, Hans Jonas, trans. by SHINAGAWA Tetsuhiko, in Hosei Daigaku Shuppankyoku (Hosei University Press), Tokyo, 2009 (the original title is Gedanken über Gott, Drei Versuche, Suhrkamp Verlag, 1994)
"Die Stellung der Ethik im Zeitaltar der Technik: Ansätze zu einer Kritik an Karl-Otto Apel und Hans Jonas", Paolo Becchi, trans. by SHINAGAWA Tetsuhiko, in Ouyourinrigaku Kenkyu (Applied Ethics), vol. 4, Ouyourinrigaku Kenkyukukai, Tokyo, 2007
Encyclopedia of Bioethics, Stephen G. Post (ed.), ed. by Seimei-Rinri Hyakkajiten Honyaku-kankou Iinkai (Committe for translating and publishing Encyclopedia of Bioethics), Maruzen, Tokyo, 2007
Critical Thinking: An Introduction, Alec Fischer, trans. by IWASAKI Taketo, SHINAGAWA Tetsuhiko, HAMAOKA Takeshi, ITO Hitoshi, YAMADA Kenji, and KUME Akira, Nakanishiya Shuppan, Kyoto, 2005
The Basics of Bioethics, 2nd, Robert M. Veatch, trans. by SHINAGAWA Tetsuhiko, GOTO Hirokazu, OKADA Atsushi, and ITO Sinya, Medica Shuppan, Osaka, 2004
Interpreting Husserl, David Carr, trans. by ISOE Kageatsu, SHINAGAWA Tetsuhiko, MATSUO Noriaki, and MATSUDA Tsuyoshi, Koyo Shobo, Kyoto, 1993
Beyond Objectivism and Relativism: Science, Hermeneutics and Praxis, Richard M. Bernstein, trans. by MARUYAMA Takashi, KIOKA Nobuo, SHINAGAWA Tetsuhiko, and MIZUTANI Masahiko, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1990
The Phenomenology of Body and Feeling, Hermann Schmitz, trans. by OGAWA Tadashi, Sangyo Tosho, 1986
5. Book Review
”"The Trial of a Patient with Dementia"," MORINAGA, Shin-ichiro, Maruzen Shuppan, 2020, in Dokushojin, no. 3387, 2021
”Restoration of Privacy: Collion of Freedom with Dignity", MIYASHITA, Hiroshi, Chuo University Press, 2015, in The Concept of Dignity in East Asia KATO, Yasushi, OGURA, Kizo, and KOJIMA, Tsuyoshi (eds.,) Hosei University Press, 2021, pp. 159-167
”A Reader of Arendt", Hannah Arendt Research Society of Japan, MIURA, Takahiro, TONAKI, Yotetsu, MOMOKI, Baku (eds.), Hosei University Press, 2020, in Dokushojin, on October, 18th, 2020.
”Human Life and Human Dignity", TAKAHASHI, Takao (ed.), Kyushu University Press, 2002, in Dignity and Society (I), KATO, Yasushi (ed.), Hosei University Press, 2020, pp. 252-256.
”The Present of Euthanasie and Death with Dignity: The Last Stage of Medical Practice and Self-decision ", Matsuda, JUn, Chuo Koron Shinsha, 2018, in Dignity and Society (I), KATO, Yasushi (ed.), Hosei University Press, 2020, pp. 379-383.
”Sexual Violence and Restorative Justice: Beyond Dialogue", KOMATSUBARA, Orika, Seibundou, 2017, in Annals of Ethical Studies, no. 49, The Kansai Ethical Society, 2019, pp. 146-149.
"Human Dignity and Autonomy of Person", Michael Quante, translated by KATO Yasushi et al., Housei University Press, 2015, in Tosho Shimbun, no. 3219, 2015 (in German version)
"The Posture of Ethics: the Principles of Applied Ethics", OKUDA Taro, Nakanishiya, 2012, in Applied Ethics: A Bridege between Theory and Practice, no. 7, Center for Study and Education of Applied Ethics, Hokkaidou University, 2013, pp. 29-35
"A Feministic Theory of Justice: For Spinning a Band of Care", ARIGA Kumiko, Keisoushobou, 2011, in Society and Ethics, vol.27, Nanzan University, 2012, pp.213-214
”Towards the Construction of Metabioethics: Inquiring Bioethics again, KOMATSU Yoshihiko and KAGAWA Chiaki, NTT Publishers, 2010", in Dokushojin, no. 2871, 2010
"Whom does Life belong to?, KAGAWA Chiaki, Discover 21, 2009", in Dokushojin, no.2807, 2009
"The Sanctity-of-Life Doctrine in Medicine: a Critique, Helga Kuhse, IIDA Nobuyuki et. al(trans.), Toshindou, 2006", in Dokushojin, no.2651, 2006.
"On Bull Shit, Harry G. Frankfurt, YAMAGATA Hiroo(trans.& introduction), Chikuma Shobou, 2006", in Dokushojin, no.2629, 2006
"Social Ethics of Care, KAWAMOTO Takashi(ed.), Yuhikaku, 2005", in Dokushojin, no.2609, 2005
"Advance of Genetic Technology and Future of Human Beings, MATSUDA Jun, Chisen Shokan, 2005", in Dokushojin, no.2587, 2005
"Lectures on Applied Ethics, KANAI Yoshiko, KAWAMOTO Takashi, MARUYAMA Tokuji, MIZUTANI Masahiko, NAKAOKA Narifumi,OCHI Mitsugu, TAKAHASHI Kyuichiro (eds.), Iwanami Shoten, 2004" , in the Annals of Ethical Studies, vol.35, Kansai Ethical Society, 2005
"The Elements of Ethics, James Rachels, trans. by FURUMAKI Norio and TSUGITA Norikazu, Koyo Shobo, Kyoto, 2003", in the Annals of Ethical Studies, vol. 34, Kansai Ethical Society, 2004
"Ethics of Life and Death, SHINOHARA Shunichiro and HATAE Tadahiko(eds.), Nakanishiya, Kyoto, 2002", in Dokushojin, no.2437, 2002
"Why Be Moral?, OBA Takeshi, ABIKO Kazuyoshi, and NAGAI Hitoshi (eds.), Nakanishiya, 2000", in Dokushojin, no.2363, 2000
"The Imperative of Responsibility, Hans Jonas, trans. by KATO Hisatake, Toshindou, 2000", in Dokushojin, no.2350, 2000
6. Presentations in Academic Societies
"What the Judgment of German Federal Constitution Court", Symposium "Laws of Euthanasia and Right to Privacy: Right to Life and Human Dignity", the 33rd Conference of Japan Association for Bioethics, Keio-gijuku University, November 28th, 2021.
”Political Responsibility of ’Hyper-politics’”, Workshop "The Poltical Character of Heidegger's Philosophy", the 33rd Conference of the Society of Philosophy, at Tokyo University, October 30, 2021.
"Patient Advocacy from the Viewpoint of Ethics of Care", the 9th Conference of the Japan Nursing Ethics Association, at Kyoto Terrsa, May 22. 2016.
”The Politics of Being and the Politics of Absolute Nothingness", the Symposium of Philosophy's Political Responsibility: Heidegger and the Kyoto School, the 75th Conference of the Philosophical Association of Japan, at Kyoto University, May 14. 2016.
"Hans Jonas' Philosophy of Nature", the 8th Hitotsubashi Philosophical Forum, at Hitotsubashi University, September 7. 2014.
"Hans Jonas as a Question", the 7th Conference of Kyoto Association of Jewish Thought, at Kansai University, July 21. 2014.
"Technology, responsibility, and human being", the 7th Heidegger Forum, at Tohoku University, September 16, 2012.
"What is the status of the human being?: manipulating subject, manipulated object, and human dignity", Uehiro Carnegie Oxford Conference 2012 (Life: Its Nature, Value and Meaning -- No Turning Back? Ethics for the Future of Life), at International House of Japan in Tokyo, May 18. 2012
"Hans Jonas on the concept of God after Auschwitz", Japanese Society for Existential Thought, at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Oct. 3. 2010
"Ethics, metaphysics, and religion in a pluralistic society", Japan Association for Religion and Ethics, at Campus Plaza Kyoto, Oct. 2. 2010, Religion and Ethics, no.11, Japan Association for Religion and Ethics, pp.5-24, 2011
"A dialogue with Hans Jonas: Gnosis, life, future ethics, and God", Nagoya Society for Philosophy, at Nanzan University in Nagoya, Jan. 9. 2010
Workshop "Thinking a possibility of 'Philosophy of life'", the 1st Conference of Japanese Association for the Contemporary and Applied Philosophy, at Kyoto University in Kyoto, Apr. 26, 2009 (with MORIOKA, Masahiro)
"Ethical meaning of the situation around 'work, profession, and labor'", the 59th Symposium of the Japanese Society for Ethics: Work, profession, and labor, at Tsukuba University in Tsukuba, Oct. 5, 2008
"Ethic, ethics, and what is ethical", the 56th Symposium of the Japanese Society for Ethics: Reality of ethics, at Okayama University in Okayama, Oct. 9. 2005
"The problems raised by ethic of care and their significance", Symposium: The Whereabout of Legal Subjects, the Japanese Association of Sociology of Law, at Senshu University, May 15. 2005
"A dialogue with professor Augustin Berque: from the standpoint of ethics (including environmental ethics)", International Symposium: Modernity in milieux and technique, at Kansai University, in Suita, Oct. 31, 2004, (in Japanese and English)
"In what sense should mankind continue to be?", the 57th Symposium of Kansai Philosophical Association: Is human being special?, at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, Oct. 24, 2004
"The accountability of ethics: bioethics as a clue", the 50th Symposium of Japanese Society for Ethics: the 20th Century : Quesitons to Ethics, at Osaka University in Osaka, Oct. 17, 1999
"Nature, environment, and human being", the 51st Symposium of Kansai Philosophical Association: Nature as Environment, at Osaka University in Osaka, Oct. 11, 1998
"Norms functioning in the hidden manner", the 40th Symposium of Japanese Society for Ethics: Foundation of Norms, at Kyoto University in Kyoto, Oct. 21, 1989
"Husserl on habit", the 39th Congress of Kansai Philosophical Association, at Nagoya University in Nagoya, Oct. 10, 1986
7. Dictionary
Dictionary of Phenomenology, KIDA Hajime, NOE Keiichi, WASHIDA Kiyokazu, and MURATA Junichi (eds.), Kobundo, Tokyo, 1994 (wrote 6 items: act, consciousness of something, empty intention, hyle/morphe, mean, and object X)
8. Essays
"The trend of the curriculum reformation of humanities: a factor of expectation for critical thinking as course", in Prospectus, vol.5, Kyoto University, 2002
"Why speak of ethic of care? Revisited", in Emergency Nursing, vol. 15, no.8, Medica shuppan, Osaka, 2002, pp.58-62
"Why speak of ethic of care?", in Emergency Nursing, vol. 14, no.11, Medica shuppan, Osaka, 2001, pp.51-55
"'Is brain death death of human being?' Brain death and organ transplantation. Revisited", in Dokushojin no.2309-no.2311, Dokushojin, Tokyo, 1999
"Depth of mundane life: on OZAKI Kazuo", in Space for Literature, vol.2, Hiroshima University Association for Literature, Hiroshima, 1999
"Salutation", in Micro Ethics, KAWAMOTO Takashi, SUTO Norihide, MIZUTANI Masahiko, and WASHIDA Kiyokazu (eds.), Showado, Kyoto, 1994, pp.134-137
9. Interviews
""How do we think ethically and conduct?", Diamond Quartery, Spring 2021, Diamond Co., pp. 4-15.