
I. 担当者

担当者竹内 理
所属関西大学 外国語学部・大学院外国語教育学研究科
住所〒564-8680 吹田市山手町3-3-35 関西大学内

II. 授業目的

この授業を、学習者要因の総合的な解明への試みとして位置づけ、外国語学習における個人差 (ID)の問題に取り組む。

III. 授業形態


IV. 授業計画

09/26オリエンテーション (Orientation):学習者要因の総合的研究をめざして
10/03開始年齢 (Age)
10/10言語適性 (Aptitude)
10/17性格 (Personality)
10/24学習スタイル (Learning Style)
10/31信念とマインドセット(Beliefs & Mindsets)
11/07動機づけとエンゲージメント (Motivation & Engagement)
11/21学習不安 (Anxiety)
12/05コミュニケーション方略 (Communication Strategy)
12/12学習方略と自己調整学習 (Language Learning Strategy & SRL)
12/19学習方略と方略指導 (Learning Strategy & Strategy Instruction)
01/09研究方法論 (Research Methodology)

V. 指定文献

毎回の授業終了後、その回の指定文献(毎回のレジメ末尾に明記)を必ず読むこと。なお、論文の入手方法については、1回目の授業で説明する。また、* 印の文献は教科書として購入すること。

Bailey, K. M. (1991). Dairy studies of classroom language learning: The doubting game and the believing game. Proceedings of the SEAMEO/RELC Conference , 1-40.

バトラー後藤裕子 (2016). 『英語学習は早いほど良いのか』岩波新書

Cheng, H.-Fu, and Dornyei, Z. (2007). The Use of motivational strategies in language instruction: The case of EFL teaching in Taiwan. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 1, 153-174.

Cohen, A., and Wang, I. K-H. (2018). Fluctuation in the functions of language learner strategies. System, 74, 169-182. DOI: 10.1016/j.system.2018.03.011

Dewaele, J.-M. and Alfawzan, M. (2018). Does the effect of enjoyment outweigh that of anxiety in foreign language performance? Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 8, 21–45.

Dewaele, J.-M., Cherr, X., Padilla, A. M., and Lake, J. (2019). The flowering of positive psychology in foreign language teaching and acquisition research. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1-13.

Dörnyei, Z. (1995). On the teachability of communication strategies. TESOL Quarterly, 29, 55-85.

*Dörnyei, Z. (2003b). Questionnaires in second language research: Construction, administration, and processing. LEA. (八島智子、竹内 理 監訳『外国語教育学のための質問紙調査入門』松柏社, 2006年)

Dörnyei, Z. (2009). The L2 motivational self system. In Z. Dörnyei and E. Ushioda (Eds.). Motivation, language identity and the L2 self (pp. 9-42). Multilingual Matters.

Dörnyei, Z., and Csizer, K. (1998). Ten commandments for motivating language learners: Results of an empirical study. Language Teaching Research, 2, 203-229.

Dörnyei, Z., and Thurrell, S. (1991). Strategic competence and how to teach it. ELT Journal, 45, 16-23.

Dörnyei, Z., and Ushioda, E. (2021). Teaching and researching motivation (3rd ed.). Routledge.

Griffiths, C. (2007). Language learning strategies: Students' and teachers' perceptions. ELT Journal, 61, 91-99.

Griffiths, C. (2020). Language learning strategies: Is the baby still in the bathwater? Applied Linguistics, 41 (4), 607-611.

Gu, P.-Y. (2003). Fine brush and freehand: The vocabulary-learning art of two successful Chinese EFL learners. TESOL Quarterly, 37, 73-104.

Gu, P.-Y. (2019). Approaches to learning strategy instruction. In A.U. Chamot and Harris (Eds.). Learning strategy instruction in the language classroom: Issues and implementation (pp.22-37). Multilingual Matters.

Gu, Y., Wen, Q., and Wu, D. (1995). How often is often? Reference ambiguities of the likert-scale in language learning strategy research. Occasional Papers in English language Teaching, 5, 19-35. (ERIC ED391 358)

Hartshorne, J. K., Tenenbaum, J. B., and Pinker, S. (2018). A critical period for second language acquisition: Evidence from 2/3 million English speakers. Cognition, 177, 263-277.

Horwitz, E.K. (1988). The beliefs about language learning of beginning university foreign language students. The Modern Language Journal, 72, 283-294.

Horwitz, E.K. (2016). Reflections on Horwitz (1986), “Preliminary Evidence for the Validity and Reliability of a Foreign Language Anxiety Scale. TESOL Quarterly, 50, 932-935.

Horwitz, E.K., Horwitz, M.B., and Cope, J.A. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 70, 125-132.

Ikeda, M., Takeuchi, O., and Imai, H. (2020). Investigating dynamic changes in Elementary school teachers’ anxiety when teaching English. In C. Gkonou, J-M. Dewaele, and J. King (Eds.) The emotional rollercoaster of language teaching (pp.173-192). Multilingual Matters.

Lethaby, C., and Mayne, R. (2020). A critical examination of perceptual learning styles in English language teaching. International Review of Applied Linguistics (IRAL), 58, 221-237.

Mercer, S., and Dörnyei, Z. (2020). Engaging language learners in contemporary classrooms. Cambridge.

Mercer, S., and Ryan, S. (2010). A mindset for EFL: Learners’ beliefs about the role of natural talent. ELT Journal, 64(4), 436-444.

Mizumoto, A., and Takeuchi, O. (2012). Adaptation and validation of self-regulating capacity in vocabulary learning scale. Applied Linguistics, 33, 83-91. https://doi.org/10.1093/applin/amr044

Moyer, A. (2014). Exceptional outcomes in L2 phonology: The critical factors of learner engagement and self-regulation. Applied Linguistics, 35, 418-440.

Muñoz, C., and Singleton, D. (2011). State-of-the-art article: A critical review of age-related research on L2 ultimate attainment. Language Teaching, 44, 1-35.

Nakata, Y., Takeuchi, O., and Sugita-McEwon, M. (In press). Ability beliefs: Why believing in your ability matters in self-regulated language learning. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching

Nakatani, Y. (2005). The effects of awareness-raising on oral communication strategy use. The Modern Language Journal, 89, 75-90.

Nakatani, Y. (2006). Developing an oral communication strategy inventory. The Modern Language Journal, 90, 151-168.

Plonsky, L. (2019). Language learning strategy instruction: Recent research and future directions. In A. U. Chamot and V. Harris (Eds.), Learning strategy instruction in the language classroom: Issues and implementation (pp.3-21). Multilingual Matters.

Purpuri, S., Vasta, N., Filippi, R., Wei, L., and Mulatti, C. (2023). The foreign language effect on tolerance of ambiguity. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, Fist view. 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1017/ S1366728923000469

Reid, J.M. (1987). The learning style preferences of ESL students. TESOL Quarterly, 21, 87-111.

Rose, H., Briggs, J.G., Boggs, J.A., Serio, L., and Ivanova-Slavianskaia, N. (2018). A systematic review of language learner strategy research in the face of self-regulation. System, 72, 151-163.

Rubin, J. (1975). What the 'good language learner' can teach us? TESOL Quarterly, 9, 41-51.

Sugita-McEown, M., and Takeuchi, O. (2014). Motivational strategies in EFL classrooms: How do teachers impact students’ motivation? Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 8, 20-38.

鈴木克明 (1995). 「魅力ある教材」設計・開発の枠組みについて-ARCS 動機づけモデルを中心に- 『教育メディア研究』1, 50-61.

Takeuchi, O. (2003). What can we learn from good language learners: A qualitative study. System, 31, 313-432.

Takeuchi, O. (2019). Language learning strategies: Insights from the past and directions for the future. In Gao X. (Ed.), Second handbook of English language teaching. NY: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-58542-0_37-1

*竹内 理 (2003). 『よりよい外国語学習法を求めて-外国語学習成功者の研究』(第2章「12才では遅すぎるのか」、第3章2節「方略は教えることができるのか」)松柏社

竹内 理 (2010). 学習者の研究からわかること−個別から統合へ 小嶋英夫,尾関直子,廣森友人(編)『成長する英語学習者—学習者要因と自律学習』(英語教育学体系第6巻, pp.3-20)大修館書店

竹内 理 (2014). 第二言語習得研究における共約可能性を求めて 『JACET中部支部紀要』12, 13-22.

Teimouri, Y., Goetze, J., and Plonsky, L. (2019). Second language anxiety and achievement. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 41, 363-387.

Ueki, M. (2013). L2 communication anxiety levels in relation to different communication patterns: An empirical study in Japanese EFL classrooms. JACET Kansai Journal, 15, 25-39.

Ueki, M., and Takeuchi, O. (2013). Forming a clearer image of the ideal L2 self: The L2 motivational self system and learner autonomy in a Japanese EFL context. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 7, 238-252.

Wei, R., Kang, Y., and Wang, S. (2022). The relationship between tolerance of ambiguity and multilingualism revisited. System, 107, 102798. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2022.102798

Wen, Z. E., Biedron, A., and Skehan, P. (2017). Foreign language aptitude theory: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Language Teaching, 50, 1-31.

Wen, Z. E., Skehan, P., Biedron, A, Li, S., and Sparks, R.L. (2019). Language aptitude: Advancing theory, testing, research and practice. Routledge.

VI. 参考文献




VII. 成績評価

この授業では、1) クラスにおける意見の表明と質問を50%、2) レポート(講義内容に関して自分が最も関心を持った点を掘り下げた研究)を50%として評価する。レポートは、Due Date を2025年1月16日(木)として、電子ファイルとして提出する。フォーマットはA4サイズで、章・節を作り、APA形式の参考文献一覧を必ず付けること。なお、図表なども利用して、説得力のある構成のレポートにすること。また、レポートとは別に、指定文献のうち5つの内容(あるいは教科書1冊)を要約したものを、電子ファイルとして提出すること。なお、レポート等に剽窃行為が見つかった場合には、単位の認定は行わないので、十分に注意すること。

Released: 08/12/24
Revised: 08/31/24